What Are The 10 Stages Of Recruitment Automation?

Introducing Recruitment Automation:

What if we had a robot in order to complete all of our tasks? Well, then there would be a day where you need not come to work anymore! More like there’d be no more need for humans at work. Is that a future that we are looking to when we say recruitment automation? Well, no, recruitment automation is not aimed at replacing humans at workplaces to completely automate the process, instead, it is aiming at how to reduce the overall workload and hence increase productivity. The recruitment process includes analysis of the requirements of a job, attracting potential candidates, screening applicants, and hiring and integrating these new employees into the company. Recruitment automation has hence become an important aspect to ensure there is a smooth flow in the process.

10 stages of recruitment automation

Recruitment automation consists of 10 stages and these 10 stages will help plan the entire process of recruitment at a faster pace. This is one of the needs especially due to the recent changes in the hiring process due to COVID-19. Here are some of the main stages that help you go through the detailed process of hiring.


“The increased use of remote workers by many corporations will also impact human resource planning and will require HR departments to use new methods and tools to recruit, train, and retain workers.” –Investopedia Coming up with a plan is the only way that you can actually start a recruitment process. In order to make the entire recruitment process a success, you will need to have a foolproof plan that will get you through the entire process on the right path. This first stage of actually planning the entire process of recruitment needs the start date on which the process will be started to the specification of the deadline through which the process is needed to be completed. There are particular points that need to be considered in order to plan a successful recruitment plan such as follows:

  • Identification of which type of position is currently available
  • Deciding on which strategy is the best to implement in order to fulfill the position
  • Letting the target group know that the position available is as mentioned
  • Identification of the group of potential candidates
  • Lastly, go ahead to meet with the candidates who have been shortlisted.

Job marketing (Sourcing):

Sourcing candidates is the next step in recruitment automation. Sourcing doesn’t only mean looking for candidates, it means looking out for potential candidates. And in order to find out the right candidate communication is the key. Not only do you need to communicate through job boards but you also need to make sure that communication is not disconnected between you and your candidate. To ensure the same, a lot of recruiters are now using the possible routes such as social media optimization to both research and know more about a candidate.

Candidate screening:

“750 applicants apply, 50 CVs are screened” – AIHR Screening of candidates is one of the stages where the candidates are checked by checking their resumes and hence deciding on whether they are the perfect fit for the position available or not. However, this particular stage is one of the stages that need more time other than any other stage. This is considered to be one of the hardest stages as there needs to be a screening of about 500 or more resumes. In order to complete such an extreme task, recruiters can use the recruitment automation features through TurboHire allows a faster pace!

Candidate rediscovery:

There are chances that even after so many resumes are screened through, there are resumes that are left in the database that is still left to be evaluated. Such resumes can be evaluated through candidate re-discovery. This stage allows the recruiters to take a look at the previous candidates who did not receive the chance to be selected for the position. Through this stage, recruiters can let the candidate know that there are positions that are available at our company and if they are interested can apply for the same. This process makes it simple for recruiters to finish off the process in about 14 days instead of actually asking about 21 to 27 days to complete the entire process.


For a smooth workflow, it is important that there is a collaboration between both the recruiters and the managers. The managers might want to know the progress of the recruitment process and for this to be informed, the collaboration between the recruiters and the managers can be done through TurboHire. With the help of various features, TurboHire allows both recruiters and managers to follow up with each other on their task completion and the other processes such as job requisition, candidate ranks, workflow approvals, along with evaluation results.

Candidate assessment:

“Hiring managers who utilize pre-employment assessments report 36% more satisfaction with their final decision than those who don’t, according to Aberdeen Group study.” – HR Grapevine Assessment of candidates involves various tests being conducted that allow recruiters to know exactly how much the candidates know about the particular industry while also giving an overview of their skills. These tests can be made easier by automating the assessment by utilizing an already preset question bank that will be forwarded to the candidate to complete once they apply for the open position. This assessment will also provide automated results and based on the ranking the recruiter can select the candidates required for the position.

Automated Interviewing and scheduling:

Interview scheduling is not to mention a tough task to be completed, especially when there is no coordination between both the recruiter and the candidate. To overcome this worry of scheduling the interview, recruiters can use the automated interview features that TurboHire provides to ensure there is smooth functioning. This automation allows candidates to select their own time slot and hence providing a convenient time for both the recruiter and the candidate.

Recruitment reporting:

Reports take up most of the time in a recruitment process. This is due to the tons of reports that need to be made right from the planning stage to even the settling in of a newly joined candidate. Providing detailed reports on the same is a task but not when you have got the automation options right beside you to help get it done. This just takes minutes to converse with the other report writing process which takes about 2 or more hours.

Sending out an offer letter:

“81% of employees would consider leaving their jobs for the right offer.” – Zety Offer letters need to be scrutinized properly in order to be sent out to a candidate. This is essential as an offer letter is the one that helps the candidate come aboard the company. If the offer letter has any errors, it will directly reflect on the image of the company. Hence coming up with an offer letter in a day’s time may seem easy but it actually takes a lot of work. To simplify this, TurboHire has a feature that will help recruiters edit the already customized offer letter templates which will contain all the information that needs to be sent out.

Candidate background verification:

In order to understand everything about a candidate and how they performed in their previous roles, is by securing information through their previous employers. This provides a detailed outlook on how their performance was and what skills were their best forte. Candidate background verification might however take a lot of time if you have about 500 candidates with 5 employers each. Reaching out to each of them and letting them know you’d like to know more about the candidates take a lot of time. However, with automation being in question, it’ll be possible to finish this process within minutes by just clicking on who you’d like to send the questionnaire. This questionnaire will then consist of all the information that you’d like to collect. Reducing time and increasing efficiency will hence be possible.

Use cases of recruitment automation:

While it is true that recruitment automation has changed a lot of companies’ way of working, here are some of the actual cases where recruitment automation has helped companies to overcome a lot of challenges.

1. Kleeto:

Kleeto is an intelligent document management company based in Gurgaon and it handles the measurement of physical and digital documents for its corporate clients in order to transform every single document into intelligent. Kleeto after using TurboHire was able to convert a huge candidate database into structured candidate cards which helped the company choose the right candidates with meta driven recommendation engine.

2. Kauvery Hospital:

One of the best multi-specialty hospitals in India and with some of the best medical services has been in the top tier for almost twenty years. According to stats they have been treating over 500,00 patients in 7 hospitals. Being such a big institution, it is only natural that they’d need a lot of candidates each time there is an opening. TurboHire has enabled this and the sourcing of candidates was highly optimized to about 3X the normal rate of candidate generation before.

3. Pelatro:

With an employee strength of about 100 to 250, Pelatro is a company based out of London, UK with other workplaces in the US, Brazil, Singapore, and Malaysia along with other global development centers in India, Russia, and the Philippines. Pelatro is a company established to accomplish the dream of making world-driving software solutions for telecom marketing. TurboHire has helped this company to perform an end-to-end talent acquisition process with intelligent recruiting and meticulous workflow in action.

4. AuthBridge:

A company with about 500 to 1000 employees is an IT industry-based company where contactless onboarding and remote authentication through automation were the main services provided. This company has a strong background verification administration put in place even when India did not have a proper framework to satisfy this task. This company faced a better recruitment plan being put into action through TurboHire, as they got to track the progress in the process while also being able to schedule the interviews in a better place. Both the hiring velocity and the interview efficiency were highly improved.

5. Monocept:

A Mobile, cloud, and web development company based out of Hyderabad, Monocept is a company that tackles complex issues and conveys engineering greatness by the method of creating software applications. One of the challenges that they faced was that they needed a platform for recruitment that understands the recruiters instead of making them do tedious tasks. This was solved by TurboHire by solving three of the most important parts of recruitment such as sourcing, screening, and candidate engagement. This helped for the smooth functioning of the recruitment process.

Final words:

It is true that there is no turning back once you use recruitment automation, and it is also true that you get to utilize a lot of time in actually getting the work done than just focusing on time-consuming tasks. So why not check recruitment automation helping you out in various stages of recruitment!

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