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Cipla onboards TurboHire to Digitally Transform its Hiring

DPDPA Compliance at TurboHire

At TurboHire, we are committed to ensuring the protection of your personal data in compliance with the Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA). As part of our adherence to DPDPA regulations, we provide all data principals with essential rights and mechanisms to maintain control over their personal data, ensuring transparency and accountability in all our processes.

Your Rights as a Data Principal under DPDPA

1. Right to Access Information

As a Data Principal, you have the right to request information regarding how your personal data is being processed. Specifically, you can request:

– A summary of all personal data being processed.
– Details of any data processors and Data Fiduciaries with whom your personal data has been shared.
– Any other relevant information prescribed by DPDPA regulations regarding personal data processing activities.

2. Right to Correction and Erasure of Personal Data

TurboHire, as a Data Fiduciary, ensures that you can request corrections or updates to your personal data. We are obligated to:

-Correct any misleading or inaccurate information.
– Update incomplete or outdated personal data.
– Erase personal data upon request, unless we are required to retain it by law.

3. Right to Correction and Erasure of Personal Data

In accordance with Section 13 of DPDPA, TurboHire provides accessible mechanisms for grievance redressal. If you feel your rights have been violated, you can:

– File a grievance with TurboHire or designated consent managers.
– Receive a prompt response within the prescribed timeframe.

Should you find the response unsatisfactory, you can escalate your grievance to the Data Protection Board for further resolution. If necessary, TurboHire also has the right to appeal any decision to the Telecom Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT) within 60 days.

4. Right to Nominate

Under Section 14 of DPDPA, you have the right to nominate an individual to exercise your data rights in the event of your death or incapacity. This nominee will be able to act on your behalf regarding any data-related rights and requests.

“Incapacity” refers to any situation in which the Data Principal is unable to exercise their rights due to unsoundness of mind or physical infirmity, as defined under DPDPA.

Ensuring Your Data Privacy

TurboHire’s commitment to DPDPA ensures that your data is handled with the utmost care and security. We continually update our practices to remain in compliance with all applicable laws and provide you with full control over your personal data.

For more information or to exercise your rights under DPDPA, please contact us support@alpha.turbohire.co.

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