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Cipla onboards TurboHire to Digitally Transform its Hiring


The modern hiring landscape is rapidly changing, driven by advancements in technology and the need for efficient, agile hiring processes. Organisations today are not just searching for qualified candidates; they are looking for individuals who fit their company culture and can drive long-term success. In this competitive market, speed, precision, and a positive candidate experience are key factors that set companies apart. The adoption of AI and automation in hiring has become crucial, allowing recruiters to manage high volumes of applications, reduce time-to-hire, and enhance the quality of hiring decisions. As the hiring process becomes more complex, there is a growing need for integrated solutions that support all stakeholders—ensuring a seamless and efficient experience for everyone involved.

Key Stakeholders in the Hiring Process

A successful end-to-end hiring process requires the active involvement and collaboration of several key stakeholders, each playing a crucial role in shaping the hiring process itself as well as its outcomes. These stakeholders include:

  1. Recruiters: Recruiters are the frontline professionals in talent acquisition. They are responsible for sourcing, attracting, and engaging potential candidates, as well as screening applications to identify the best fits for open positions. Recruiters need advanced hiring tools and technologies to efficiently manage high volumes of job applications and streamline communication with candidates and hiring teams.
  2. Candidates: Candidates are at the center of the hiring process, experiencing every step from application to pre-onboarding. Their experience directly influences employer branding and candidate satisfaction, which impacts the company’s reputation and its ability to attract and retain top talent.
  3. Interviewers: Often comprising a mix of team members, department heads, and senior leaders, interviewers evaluate candidate fit and capability. They require detailed candidate profiles and easy access to feedback tools to make informed hiring decisions and contribute effectively to the hiring process.
  4. Approvers: Approvers are responsible for reviewing job requisitions and offer approvals to ensure alignment with budget and company policies. They need a flexible, multi-channel approval system to efficiently manage approvals, maintaining compliance and supporting a timely hiring process.
  5. Leadership Teams: Leadership teams are focused on the strategic impact of hiring decisions. They seek insights into hiring metrics, hiring performance data, and overall talent acquisition strategies to make decisions that align with the organisation’s and business’s goals and objectives.
  6. Administrators: Administrators are essential for maintaining an organised and efficient hiring process. Their role necessitates setting up workflows and assigning permissions; they can leverage advanced tools and automation to minimise manual tasks and errors, creating a smooth and streamlined hiring workflow.

The Importance of an Integrated Hiring Experience

An integrated hiring experience is vital for organisations striving to attract and retain top talent in today’s market. This approach ensures that every stage of the hiring process—from sourcing and screening to interviewing and pre-onboarding—is interconnected and streamlined. With an integrated system, recruiters gain access to advanced tools for managing workflows, interviewers can easily obtain comprehensive candidate information, and leadership teams can monitor hiring metrics and performance insights. For candidates, a smooth and transparent hiring journey improves their overall experience and enhances their perception of the company, i.e., it positively impacts the Employer Branding and eNPS of the hiring company. Utilising integrated hiring platforms like TurboHire allows organizations to improve communication, reduce administrative tasks, and make data-driven hiring decisions, creating a more efficient and effective hiring environment for all stakeholders involved.

The Need for a Unified Hiring Experience

A unified hiring experience is essential for organisations looking to attract and retain top talent. A hiring process aligns all stages of hiring—sourcing, screening, interviewing, and onboarding—into a seamless workflow that enhances collaboration and efficiency among recruiters, hiring managers, and HR teams. This integrated approach ensures smooth communication and easy access to relevant data, making the entire process more efficient. A hiring experience improves candidate engagement and satisfaction, which can lead to better hiring outcomes and higher employee retention rates. In a time when the candidate experience directly impacts a company’s reputation, having a streamlined and integrated hiring process is more critical than ever.
Traditional hiring processes often face significant challenges that can impede an organisation’s ability to efficiently hire the best candidates. These processes are usually manual, fragmented, and time-consuming, resulting in inefficiencies and delays. Recruiters may find themselves overwhelmed by large volumes of applications, while recruiters struggle to coordinate interviews and collect feedback effectively. The lack of centralised data and analytics makes it difficult to track hiring metrics and make informed decisions, slowing down the hiring process and impacting the overall quality of hires. These issues not only prolong the hiring cycle but also diminish the candidate experience, causing companies to lose potential top talent. As the hiring landscape evolves, these limitations underscore the need for more advanced, integrated hiring solutions.

How TurboHire Streamlines Hiring

TurboHire also offers specialised solutions to address the unique challenges of hiring in the life sciences industry:

TurboHire streamlines hiring with AI and automation into every step of the hiring process. From sourcing and screening candidates to scheduling interviews and collecting feedback, TurboHire’s platform optimises efficiency and significantly reduces time to hire. By centralising all hiring activities on one platform, TurboHire facilitates smooth communication and collaboration among recruiters, hiring managers, and HR teams. The platform’s robust analytics and data-driven insights enable organisations to make more informed hiring decisions, enhancing overall hiring outcomes. With a strong focus on improving the candidate experience, TurboHire simplifies the hiring process, making it faster, more efficient, and more effective for all stakeholders involved.

Enhancing the Recruiter Experience
Optimising the recruiter experience is essential for efficient talent acquisition. TurboHire automates repetitive hiring tasks and provides valuable insights, allowing recruiters to focus on engaging top talent and improving candidate relationships, which leads to a more streamlined hiring process.

  • Candidate Sourcing: TurboHire streamlines candidate sourcing by pooling candidates from multiple sources, including LinkedIn auto-searches with 1-click and bulk uploads. QR code applications, all candidate data flows seamlessly into the platform, making the process easy and efficient for recruiters.
  • AI-Powered Screening: TurboHire’s AI-driven screening tools efficiently scan and evaluate resumes based on specific criteria, identifying top candidates and reducing manual effort. This streamlined process enhances hiring quality and allows for easy candidate retargeting and comparison across all resume formats.
  • Automated Interview Scheduling: TurboHire integrates with calendar systems to automatically schedule interviews based on availability, reducing administrative tasks and improving efficiency.
  • Multi-Channel Candidate Communication: Centralise candidate communication by integrating multiple channels into a single screen, allowing recruiters to manage all interactions efficiently. This streamlined approach reduces repetitive tasks, saves time, and enhances overall productivity in the hiring process.

Improving the Candidate Experience

A positive candidate experience is vital for attracting and retaining top talent. TurboHire enhances this by providing a user-friendly application process, clear communication, and real-time updates, thereby improving candidate satisfaction and strengthening employer branding.

  • Login-less Mobile-Friendly Application: TurboHire offers a seamless mobile application process and instant notifications, keeping candidates informed and engaged throughout the hiring journey without multiple logins.
  • WhatsApp Bots for Candidate Communication: Automated WhatsApp bots enhance candidate communication by providing instant responses, status updates, and interview scheduling, improving engagement and reducing HR workload.
  • Simple Offer Acceptance for Candidates: TurboHire makes the offer acceptance process easy by allowing candidates to respond to relevant questions directly on the WhatsApp bot. This streamlined approach ensures a quick, hassle-free experience, helping you finalize your offer efficiently.

Enhancing Approver Experience
Streamlining the approver experience is essential for a smooth hiring process. TurboHire offers a flexible, multi-channel approval system that allows approvers to review job requisitions and offer approvals efficiently, ensuring alignment with budget and company policies. This automation helps maintain compliance and supports a timely hiring process.

  • Login-less Mobile-Friendly platform: Without needing to log in multiple times on the same device, users can seamlessly approve offer letters and job requisitions.
  • Approval Workflow Access: TurboHire enables hiring managers to create approval workflows for key stakeholders as soon as a requisition is raised. This feature ensures easy access to approve requisitions and track recruiter progress, keeping the hiring process smooth and efficient without delays.
  • Internal Dashboard Access: TurboHire allows approvers to create custom dashboards for easy access to their tasks. One can seamlessly enter and exit the platform without needing to log in multiple times across sessions, resuming activities like approving job requisitions and offers right where you left off.

Streamlining the Interviewer Experience

Simplifying the interviewer experience is crucial for effective hiring. TurboHire automates interview scheduling, provides comprehensive candidate profiles, and facilitates easy feedback submission, enabling interviewers to focus on candidate evaluation and ensuring consistent, fair assessments.

  • One-Way Interviews: TurboHire’s one-way interviews allow interviewers to review recorded candidate responses, providing quick insights into communication skills and cultural fit. This format saves time and simplifies the evaluation process.
  • Interview Assistant: TurboHire’s Interview Assistant equips interviewers with job-specific questions and ideal answers during interviews, enhancing the interview process by ensuring relevant and effective assessments. This tool streamlines the process, making it more efficient and insightful.
  • Structured feedback forms with centralised feedback collection: Standardised evaluation templates ensure fair candidate assessments, while centralized feedback collection streamlines the review process for hiring managers.
  • Login-less Mobile-Friendly Platform: TurboHire’s login-less, mobile-friendly application simplifies the hiring process by giving interviewers easy access to a broader range of candidates, while instant notifications keep candidates informed and engaged

Empowering Leadership Experience

TurboHire empowers leadership teams with real-time data and customisable dashboards, aligning hiring strategies with organisational goals. These tools allow decision-makers to monitor key hiring metrics, track hiring performance, and make swift, strategic decisions.

  • Real-Time Analytics and Configurable Dashboards: TurboHire’s real-time analytics provide insights into key hiring metrics, enabling organisations to make quick adjustments and optimise hiring strategies in line with business objectives.
  • Login-less Mobile friendly Platform: Once logged in, TurboHire eliminates the need for repeated logins with emails and passwords on the same device, allowing easy access to the dashboard and analytics.
  • Recruitment Activity Tracking: With TurboHire, you can effortlessly view data of multiple candidates whenever needed and view all recruitment parameters in one centralised location. Track recruitment activity by position or business unit, keeping everything organised and ensuring an efficient hiring process.

Enhancing the Administrative Experience

Streamlined administrative processes are vital for an efficient hiring workflow. With TurboHire’s advanced tools and automation, administrators can quickly set up the organisation, integrate job boards and video interviewing platforms, etc. and manage teams across different regions. This reduces manual tasks and errors, ensuring a smooth and effective hiring process.

  • Flexible and Comprehensive Platform Management: TurboHire offers easy configurability, providing a complete view of the hiring process from a single interface. Users can quickly edit permissions, ensuring the right access for team members and maintaining efficient, secure collaboration.
  • Comprehensive Admin Control: TurboHire provides administrators with complete oversight of the platform, including all jobs, candidates, and modules. Admins can easily adjust user permissions and manage company branding, ensuring a fully customized and efficient hiring experience from a single interface.

TurboHire: A Comprehensive Platform for Enterprise Hiring Needs

TurboHire simplifies a wide range of enterprise hiring challenges with a single, powerful platform:

    • Sales Referral Hiring: Sales referral hiring can be streamlined with automated solutions like TurboHire. Using TurboHire’s WhatsApp bot, referrers can easily share candidate details and fill out a simple form. These details are automatically flown to the TurboHire platform, where the hiring process begins. This end-to-end automation ensures a structured and efficient approach to sales referral hiring, reducing time-to-hire and enhancing the process of identifying and onboarding the right sales professionals.
    • Hyper Growth Lateral Hiring: During periods of hyper-growth, companies often need to scale their teams quickly. Utilising AI-driven tools designed for lateral hiring can help organisations efficiently identify and assess candidates who fit their specific needs. Platforms such as TurboHire automate the candidate matching and assessment processes, supporting effective lateral hiring and workforce expansion without compromising on candidate quality.
    • Walk-in Hiring Drives: Managing walk-in interviews can be streamlined with an end-to-end platform like TurboHire. Candidates simply scan a QR code for the job role and fill out their application, which then flows directly into the TurboHire platform. Here, hiring managers can efficiently evaluate candidates through interviews, review scorecards, and add feedback on the platform, ensuring a structured and collaborative approach. This automation simplifies the hiring process, enhancing efficiency and making it easier to onboard new talent swiftly.
    • Campus Hiring: Efficient campus hiring requires a streamlined process that integrates automation at every step. With TurboHire, candidates can easily scan a QR code to complete their applications, which are then automatically processed through the platform. By automating tasks such as application form filling and interview scheduling, TurboHire optimises the hiring process for graduates from top universities. This approach enhances the experience for both recruiters and candidates, reduces time-to-hire, and ensures that the hiring strategy is both effective and efficient.
    • Candidate Database Nurture Automation: Maintaining an active talent pipeline is crucial for quick hiring when positions open up. Automating communications and nurturing relationships with potential candidates helps keep them engaged over time. Platforms like TurboHire offer candidate database nurture automation, which supports continuous engagement, reduces time-to-fill, and ensures a pool of qualified candidates is readily available.
    • Reuse Candidate Database: Reusing and analysing an existing candidate database can enhance hiring efficiency by identifying suitable candidates for new roles without the need for extensive sourcing. AI-driven platforms like TurboHire scan past candidates to find those matching current job openings, reducing time and costs associated with hiring. Re-engaging with previously screened candidates also enhances the candidate experience and aligns with hiring effectiveness goals.

TurboHire’s all-in-one platform provides the tools and technology to handle various hiring scenarios, improving efficiency and outcomes for enterprise hiring processes.

Delivering Revenue Success through Digital Transformation with TurboHire

TurboHire leverages digital automation and AI to revolutionise the hiring experience, driving significant business success for organisations. By integrating advanced technology into the hiring process, TurboHire enables companies to streamline their hiring workflows, enhance decision-making, and ultimately achieve better hiring outcomes. Companies that implement TurboHire experience substantial improvements in productivity, efficiency, and return on investment, showcasing the transformative power of digital tools in talent acquisition.


      • Increased Productivity: TurboHire’s automation features significantly enhance recruiter productivity by automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, such as resume screening, candidate sourcing, and interview scheduling. This automation allows recruiting teams to handle more job requisitions and candidates simultaneously, freeing up time for strategic activities like talent engagement and relationship building. As a result, recruiters can focus on finding the best talent while managing a higher volume of applicants efficiently, leading to faster placements and more successful hiring outcomes.
      • Reduced Time to Hire: Organizations utilising TurboHire achieve a remarkable 65% reduction in time to hire through streamlined processes and intelligent automation. By automating key steps in the hiring process, such as candidate screening and shortlisting, TurboHire eliminates bottlenecks and accelerates the overall hiring timeline. This efficiency not only helps organisations fill positions faster but also improves the candidate experience by reducing waiting times and ensuring timely communication. Faster hiring processes contribute to maintaining a competitive edge in the talent market, allowing companies to secure top candidates before their competitors.
      • Higher ROI: TurboHire delivers over 500% ROI within the first year of implementation, highlighting the transformative impact of digital solutions on hiring outcomes. This significant ROI is achieved through reduced hiring costs, increased efficiency, and better-quality hires. By streamlining the hiring process and utilising AI-driven insights, organisations can make more informed hiring decisions, reduce turnover, and enhance employee retention. The impact of digital transformation on hiring outcomes is clear, showcasing the substantial value TurboHire offers for businesses focused on sustainable growth.


In today’s rapidly changing hiring landscape, integrating AI and automation into the hiring process is essential for organisations seeking to stay competitive. TurboHire’s all-in-one platform highlights the benefits of a unified hiring experience, streamlining every stage of the hiring process, from candidate sourcing and screening to interviewing and onboarding. By leveraging advanced technologies, companies can optimise workflows, reduce administrative tasks, and enhance communication among recruiters, hiring managers, and HR teams.
TurboHire’s data-driven approach enables organisations to make informed hiring decisions by utilising real-time analytics and insights to continuously improve hiring strategies. This ensures that hiring practices are efficient, consistent, and aligned with overall business objectives. A well-integrated hiring process leads to better quality hires, improved candidate experiences, and higher employee retention rates, all of which are crucial for achieving long-term success.
In a competitive job market, adopting a comprehensive hiring solution like TurboHire is vital. It helps organizations attract and retain top talent, strengthens employer branding, and ultimately drives better hiring outcomes and business growth. By investing in TurboHire, companies can transform their hiring processes to be more agile, data-driven, and strategically aligned, positioning themselves for sustained success in today’s digital era.

Streamline your hiring with us. Save
69% time and 23% cost.