How TurboHire Helped WakeFit Hire approx.
270 Candidates In 45 Days
In the first 45 days of using TurboHire for recruitment activities, Wakefit hired approx. 270 candidates, interviewed 850 applicants,
along with 8 vendors, and generated around 1200 application count
HR Corporate
Home Solutions
Employee Strength
About Wakefit
WakeFit is a home solutions brand with a manufacturing plant in Bengaluru with a huge clientele base where they need to hire the best candidates in the market to meet their demands. TurboHire provided them with a platform that could organize and solve their recruitment needs.
WakeFit was looking for a solution to improve their time-to-hire and cost-effectiveness along with a solution that could help optimize their candidate pool. WakeFit was hiring for roles of customer service, support, and sales when they approached TurboHire.
The AI-powered Referrals and Careers Pages from TurboHire helped to pull great candidates while also ensuring the best matching of open jobs to candidates. They derived insights out of data using dashboards and automated various stages of the hiring process.
Agile method for interview scheduling